Jun 28, 2021
#175 My wonderful guest this week is Lisa Rose. Home builder and
golfer turned proponent of world peace, Lisa’s transformational
story is truly amazing to listen to in this episode. During our
conversation, we talk about the importance of turning our attention
inwards, its consequences, and how life-changing it can be to
surrender to the unknown. If you’re interested in hearing about an
in-depth account of what a spiritual awakening can be like, this
one is for you.
“After the experience, it was like you're starting to look at
things with creator eyes, and the beauty of a butterfly.”
About Lisa: Lisa Rose is a former
home builder, golfer, and boater. After an incredible and
life-changing spiritual awakening in February 2016, Lisa took a
leap into the unknown and began exploring spirituality and its
physiological effects on the body. Below, you can read more about
her life and the experience, in her own words.
“Feb 2016. I was sitting upon my bed,
legs stretched out. Suddenly I felt a sublime flash sensation
where every particle of my body stood at attention, in recognition
as if meeting their maker. My eyes became clamped shut,
something slid back in the middle of my head… very euphoric… then
energy began gushing thru my crown. A holographic image of
Ramana Maharshi appeared behind my closed eyes along with a warmth
that flooded my heart center and we shared telepathic
communication. After a few minutes the image faded, the
energy subsided some 10mins later and my eyes unclamped.
3yrs prior I had declared myself irrevocably done
with human suffering. In resignation I surrendered my
body-mind to my Creator and spent much time in intense
contemplation of our Divinity… humanity’s Omniscient, Infinite &
Eternal nature.
The experience was followed by 3yrs of Bliss, void of
all desires and total detachment from the world, as well as unity
with all things, especially earth and nature. I encountered
incredible things during this period which has given way to a
complete shift in my perception and a deep sense of Universal
The last couple years I’ve spent investigating
things, mainly the Bliss, and marvelling at the incredible latent
transcendent abilities of our body-mind
Key points with time stamp:
Mentioned in this episode:
About me:
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